“It’s a logo design … from The Highland Council” Alan was heard to holler from his inner sanctum. But not just any logo design, it transpired, after repeated readings of the brief (and a very good brief we had as well) this logo design had to incorporate a prominent architectural feature of one of the oldest buildings in Dingwall.
“That means illustration” mused Dave…”Does that mean I can draw something?” said Ellen excitedly. It takes a lot to get Ellen excited, chocolate excepted. That means we could unlock the illustrative corners of our minds and set to with gusto.
We produced about 15 different ideas, which were honed down to 9 and eventually down to the three favourites.
Well after many discussions, coffee, chocolate, more coffee and lots of time spent in Illustrator, I think you would agree we have produced a striking new logo for Dingwall Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme.

So if you happen to venture up to Dingwall in the Highlands of Scotland and see a logo that draws your attention to the beautiful architecture that is being preserved, you can say “Oh, yeah, I know who designed that”.
The area my father came from - and also his surname. Alexander George Dingwall. A very proud Scot and he would have loved this image. Beautifully translated Mako.